A letter for you...

Dear You,

     I just want to tell you that you are amazing! You are beautiful and can do anything you set your mind to. If you are going through hard times just know you are not alone.  Life may throw obstacles in your path but you can overcome them by just pushing past. It will not be an easy ride, but life is just that, hard and full of challenges we must learn to concur.

     Please do not let someone tell you different, treat you like garbage and try to break you down.  See, in my opinion a mate is supposed to build you up and trudge through the most difficult paths with you.  A mate is supposed to love you unconditionally, know your flaws but look past them to just love you no matter what.  Some may tell you, "That's a fairytale, no one will ever find the perfect mate!" Although, this may be true, however no one is perfect, you just have to find the one perfect for you.

     In society today we are lacking values and meaning in this world. A place where marriage is laughed at and long relationships shunned!  It is truly saddening.  We are taught we need to except things and deal with it! I completely disagree.  No marriage is perfect, if someone thinks so they are fools.  Marriage is dedication, it is compromise, it is sacrifice. When you understand this then your love for each other will blossom into a wonderful thing.

     Marriage may not be for everyone but a person does deserve to be happy and to experience love. No one deserves to be treated like they were nothing and have to question their existence in this world.  Say that with me, " No one has the right to treat me like I am nothing. I am worth it!"  We have the power to make the changes we need to be happy, so please do not settle.
     Lastly, in order for happiness to find you, you have to build yourself up. You see if we are not satisfied with are own selves we will never be truly happy.  Find yourself, better yourself and build yourself up so high that no one can ever break you down again. Please do  this my friend because no one has the right to make someone hurt or think they are worthy of happiness, because believe me, you are!



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