Thou Shall Not Sneeze.

Being sick is the worst.  Many of us are lucky if we have sick days or PTO but many , sadly do not have such luxuries.  Why is that?  Why don't all jobs have PTO and Sick days? Why are we expected to work day in and day out with no chance of ever thinking of falling ill?  I, thankfully work for a great company that at least value employees and give Sick days and PTO. Tell me why then do I feel guilty using them?  I think our American work ethic is flawed beyond reason.  Some companies out there caring more about the dollar, than the employees.  It is sad, it is pitiful, it just does not make sense.  I keep myself  home if I am at my worst.  Others though would rather infect the whole office, than miss work.  For one why put yourself through misery and try to power through the day feeling under the weather, two you affect those around you by spreading disease.

I want to know what you think readers. I want you to share your thoughts on why many companies don't value sick days?  Or your thoughts on our American work ethic of powering through the day when ill.  Please share in the comments below.


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