God Hating World.
Why has our society become a God hating culture? I look at postings on social media or on the Internet and whenever there is a tragedy and someone in the comments writes, " God Bless." or "I will keep you in my prayers.", the comments that follow are enough to make you cry. For example, I once saw a post of a child kneeling out of his own choice under pictures of lost children, his mom posted it on FB, because she was sharing a very moving moment. See, he asked his mom why Walmart had pictures of children on the wall. The mom went to tell him they were lost and they are up there to help find them, etc. The child chose to kneel and pray to God to help them find their way home. A beautiful moment, right? Well, if you scrolled the comments what seemed innocent turned rather horrid. Many atheist or non-Christians started writing absolutely horrible comments. Saying, "What good would prayer do." " Stupid." " There is no God," the comments continued. Of course there were good comments too, but why the negativity for what was a sweet moment?
Everywhere you look, in media and in news, the negative culture continues. People sure have loads to say when The Passion Of the Christ came out in theaters but nothing to say when the same year or so, Exorcist Beginnings did. Very silly, if you ask me. I grew up in a Christian home, we did not go to church every Sunday, but one thing my dad did teach us was to be aware, and be respectful. I studied Theology in high school and loved learning about all the different types of religion. Sure every one's beliefs are different and practices, but that is their right. Just like it is your right to believe or not to believe in God. It saddens me that some people just can't be respectful, or " turn the other cheek," so to speak. Why have we become such a God hating world?
Everywhere you look, in media and in news, the negative culture continues. People sure have loads to say when The Passion Of the Christ came out in theaters but nothing to say when the same year or so, Exorcist Beginnings did. Very silly, if you ask me. I grew up in a Christian home, we did not go to church every Sunday, but one thing my dad did teach us was to be aware, and be respectful. I studied Theology in high school and loved learning about all the different types of religion. Sure every one's beliefs are different and practices, but that is their right. Just like it is your right to believe or not to believe in God. It saddens me that some people just can't be respectful, or " turn the other cheek," so to speak. Why have we become such a God hating world?
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