Be Mine Valentine.

Valentine's Day, February 14th, a day to celebrate love.  Or is it really? Who doesn't like getting gifts from their significant other? But are we losing sight of what love should be?  In my opinion the best gifts are the little things we tend to over look.  Such as a husband making sure there is dinner for his wife after a long day at work.  Or a wife getting her husband that special something just because. Take a trip down the aisle of a store on Valentine's Day and see the sea of red and pink and endless amounts of candy, flowers, stuff animals.  The stores packed with people looking for gifts and  buying valentines for that special someone. The restaurants laughing on how people are dropping loads of cash to eat at their fancy restaurants and all in the name of love.

Do not get me wrong, I understand if you are a traditionalist and like the red roses and chocolate and cheesy love cards. It is just not for me. I would rather us celebrate our anniversary than Valentine's, and save money and eat somewhere nice maybe once or twice a month.  I like and love the little things. I have heard women especially say, "well if he knows what is good for him, he will buy me something on Valentine's Day!" I think that is ridiculous to expect things and to just buy into the holiday the candy and card companies created.  It is sad we have become a society that just continues to cheated on what real love is all about.  Such as being genuine and just making time for each other whenever you can. Be spontaneous and take a weekend for a romantic getaway just because. If Valentine's Day is your favorite holiday that is great for you. I personally think it is one holiday that is definitely overrated.


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